Wednesday, September 13, 2006


R espond positively to all opportunities
A lways be ready to take or face challenges
J ust do it , no ifs and buts
A ccept the outcome of your action be it good or bad positively

To ensure success I shall be giving my very best through the PSV concept , that is , Precision, Speed , and Value :-


Precision , Speed & Value, iaitu , Tepat, Cepat dan bermutu adalah cara melaksanakan sesuatu mengikut petunjuk Al-Qur'an :-

" 3. Dan demi ! (makhluk-makhluk) yang cergas bergerak (menerima perintah ) dengan gerak yang secergas-cergasnya ;

4. Lalu masing-masing berlumba-lumba dahulu mendahului (menjalankan tugasnya) dengan cara sungguh-sesungguhnya ;

5. Serta menyempurnakan tadbir urusan alam yang diperintahkan kepadanya ; (sumpah demi sumpah, sesungghnya kamu akan dibangkitkan hidup semula pada hari kiamat ) ! "

( Maksud ayat-ayat 3, 4, dan 5 Surah An-Naazi'aat Juz 30 )

Monday, September 11, 2006

Alhamdulillah pagi ini berjumpa dengan ayat 6 surah Al-Israa' juz ke 15 yang bermaksud " Kemudian (setelah kamu bertaubat), Kami kembalikan kepada kamu kekuasaan untuk mengalahkan mereka, dan Kami beri kepada kamu dengan banyaknya harta kekayaan dan anak -pinak, serta Kami jadikan kamu kaum yang lebih ramai pasukannya."

Ini memberi saya suntikan tenaga dan keyakinan diri sendiri untuk terus maju.

It is past midnight Malaysian time. In the peace of the night it is good to reflect on what you have done for the previous day. The most interesting thing I have done is to try to set up a blog.Right at this moment I am still groping and hope in a day or two I would have learnt quite alot.

Greetings everyone. Hope you have a good day. Life is too short to be little. Lets make the world a better place to live. It really do not make sense why some people choose to be grumpy when they could be happy. As a way out lets get to nature once in a way to better understand what our life is all about.
Greetings to everyone.I hope that we will make the world a better place for all of us no matter where we are situated. Lets put our head together and see how we can contribute towards that end. Why restrict ourselves to our own confine. Why not get together and enjoy the beauty of nature and the lovely foods of every nation on this earth.

I am all for progress and thereby call my column "Strategic Vision " in the hope that all of us will think strategically for the better of man kind. I am also for healthy living and and in the process of developing a "Health Farm ".